Fisheries Notice FN569 23 June 2020

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0569-Commercial, Recreational and Aboriginal - Salmon - Chinook - 2020 Fraser River Chinook Conservation Measures and Coast-wide Recreational Annual Aggregates - Amendment to FN0565

This fishery notice amends FN0565 to include the Recreational - Salmon category. The notice is otherwise unchanged.

This notice provides the Fraser Chinook fisheries management measures for the 2020 fishing season. 

Chinook Conservation Measures:
To address conservation concerns for Fraser River Chinook salmon, DFO is implementing updated fishery measures to support conservation of at risk Chinook. 
Updated management measures for Fraser River Chinook are outlined below.   

Southern BC Recreational Fisheries:

This Fisheries Notice supersedes FN0322. The following measures are now in effect for Area 123
WCVI Subareas 20-1, 20-2, Areas 121, and seaward of a 1 nm Boundary Line (defined below) in Areas 123 to 127:

-Effective immediately to 23:59 hours July 14: Chinook non-retention; 
-00:01 hours July 15 to 23:59 hours July 31:  2 Chinook per day with a  maximum size limit of 80 cm.
-00:01 hours August 1 to 23:59 hours December 31: 2 Chinook per day
Please refer to the relevant Fishery Notices outlining fisheries management measures in place to support the recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whales for any 
additional fishing restrictions in the areas listed above.

The Boundary Line is approximately 1nm seaward of the surf line and is defined as follows:

A line that begins at Pachena Point lighthouse at 48 degrees 43.327’ N 125 degrees 05.855’ W
then to 48 degrees 42.456’ N 125 degrees 06.583’ W seaward of Pachena Point,
then to 48 degrees 46.420’ N 125 degrees 13.997’ W seaward of Cape Beale,
then to 48 degrees 54.572’ N 125 degrees 33.622’ W seaward of Amphitrite Point

Chinook daily limits remain at 2 per day shoreward of this Boundary Line, and also in Areas 21 to 27.