June 5th 2017

June is here and the fishing is starting to pick up in the Barkley Sound region. Local areas that have been producing are The Wall, Whistle Buoy, Kirby, Sanford, Diplock, Meares, Austin & Cree.

Fish are being caught anywhere from 32 feet to 140 feet and deeper so I recommend hunting for the bait then adjusting from there. I have caught all my fish in the last week on either 3.5-inch Irish Cream spoon, 3.5-inch Cop Car spoon, Army Truck hootchie or a Purple Haze hootchie.

This isn’t from a lack of trying numerous different combinations and almost always having an anchovy rig running on one line. Matching the flasher colour to the lure/hootchie/teaser head is something I always do and the past week has been no different.

Currently one must find the bait to find the fish and mostly the fish being caught have been between 5 to 15 pounds. Even these smaller fish can pop the clip and take off a pile of line producing that most loved sound and provide anyone on the rod with some entertainment.

Happy hunting and best of luck out there. Brett