Fishing Reports 2023

Fishing Report, July 29 2023

Ok, I am going to start with a veiled reference to a John Denver tune. Alright I get it, not exactly a ” get off your feet and shake your booty ” kind of performer but a couple of hundred years from now someone somewhere will be singing “Country Roads” around a campfire. I digress…. John Denver once wrote a song called ” Some days Are Diamonds, Some days Are Stones “. His song perfectly summed up my last two …

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Fishing Reports 2023

Fishing Report, July 22 2023

Hi Everyone It’s become a tough grind here in Barkley and the surrounding area. I know, I know… It’s not what you want to hear but you can count on getting the real facts at least. Here is what we can report: the Sound itself is pretty much empty, which has really been the case much of the season to start. There are fish still hanging around the periphery of the Sound but they have been in dribs and drabs …

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Fishing Reports 2023

Fishing Report, July 14 2023

Hi Everyone, Time to update you all on the goings on here in Barkley Sound. Most reports I have been reading are very much doom and gloom. That’s not necessarily the case, however. There are fish to be found. One just needs to understand the behaviour of these early July runs as they pass on by to their home rivers to the south. It seems the past few years American bound fish and early Nitinat fish travel the periphery of the Sound and the rest …

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Fishing Reports 2023

Fishing Report, July 1 2023

It’s great to be back to Harbourside. The season is well underway and I am sure there are many of you who prefer I skip the small talk and get right to what’s happening in Barkley Sound.  Ok…Not to sound dire but… It’s pretty bleak here in the sound at the moment. All of the usual haunts such as Kirby, Swale, Flemming, The Wall, Whittlestone and Little Beale have been very slow. The odd fish will come on board but very …

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Fishing Reports 2022

Fishing Report, August 7 2022

Hi All Let’s start with the good news. The weather here the past few days has been ridiculous. Hardly any wind, clear sunny skies completely devoid of fog! It’s shorts and t-shirt weather on the water. Just absolutely glorious! But that’s the good news only…Our fish have not arrived en masse… Dribs and drabs here and there but nothing really consistent yet. It’s been a tough go for most of us. That said, we know the predicted forecast is for …

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Fishing Reports 2022

Fishing Report, July 29, 2022

Hi Everyone July is wrapping up and August is looming. The upcoming August Long Weekend signals the start of our August fishery and the return of our Robertson Creek springs! And to boot it is indeed a very special weekend as the annual Bamfield Fireman’s Derby kicks off Saturday July 30 ending Monday August 1st. If the derby is a first for you? Don’t miss out. It’s so much fun. Gordy from Breaker’s Marine and his crew do a stellar …

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