Fishing Reports 2022

Fishing Report, July 18 2022

Ok, alright already… I am not dead, nor did Harbourside go out of business. Likely more the opposite. It’s been a very busy start to the 2022 summer season here in Bamfield. Please forgive me for being so remiss, so yes, I am indeed alive and kicking and Harbourside is in full swing. Ready for some fishing news then? It was a banner start to the June and early July sports fishing in Barkley Sound. The inside waters were showing …

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Fishing Reports 2021

Fishing Report, August 26 2021

Hi All I am so lucky! I have the best guests ever. All my crews who come up to Harbourisde to spend a few days with me are absolutely stellar! From the end of June to the beginning of September I am blessed and so fortunate to be able to spend time with them in a place that I love so very much… Ok, I know, this is starting to sound like a bit of an emotional rant but here is the thing. Some …

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Fishing Reports 2021

Fishing Report, August 18 2021

Hi All Did you ever have one of those days when it seems everything you do you’re just one step behind? Sort of like the old ” a day late and a dollar short”. Last week I was living that whole scenario almost ” ground hog day” like. I’d started with a crew at Little Beale. Things were dead there for the early morning bite but I wanted to stick it out for the tide change. Nada, zippo, lots of …

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Fishing Reports 2021

Fishing Report, Aug 5 2021

Stop whatever it is you’re doing. Get out of the office as fast as you can! Load up the boat or call your best friend who has a boat and get your butt to Bamfield. It’s on! The fish have shown up and they are in a right foul mood, that is if you happen to be lucky enough to annoy them with a single barbless hook in the lip! Just in time too! It was tough slugging during the …

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Fishing Reports 2021

Fishing Report, July 27 2021

It’s 5:15 am and I’m sitting at the dining room table here at Harbourside Lodge. It’s a very rare day off the water. I can sleep in! But here I am, coffee is brewing, it’s so foggy outside that even the birdlife are having second thoughts about moving too much. I can sleep in! but no….My internal fishing alarm clock is beeping like crazy. I gotta get up. The water beckons… So here I am catching up on my reports, …

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Fishing Reports 2021

Fishing Report, July 17 2021

Hi All Ok I know, I get it… I’ve been somewhat derelict in my fishing report duties. Alright then. More than derelict. Downright absent. Let’s just say it’s been a strange start to the year. Anyway I am back so let us get after it. Trying to describe early season fishing in Barkley Sound is as challenging as the fishing itself. Up to July 15th those wanting to catch and retain a mature chinook salmon have had to play the waters inside of the …

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